The idea

Simon Patterson
The Great Bear 1992
© Simon Patterson
Simon Patterson is an artist who is fascinated with information, words and directions. He creates maps like The Great Bear where he put the names of writers, singers, footballers and politicians onto the station stops of a London Underground tube map.
You are going to make one using lines and stations (stops) to show connections between people or things. Your map can look like Simon Patterson's underground map or you might want to invent your own patterns and ways of linking up your stations.
What will you choose to make a map of?
Do it!
- Decide who or what your map will be about.
- Cut out your station stops on card or paper.
- Write the names (or draw pictures if you prefer) for all the different station stops in your map.
- Working on the floor or a VERY large piece of paper, use string or tape to join your stations together.