Paint and draw

Draw a Friend

Follow along with the video to draw someone you love and then make them into an installation

There are two parts to this activity:

1. Drawing someone you know and love

2. Making an installation out of your figure (starts at around 29 minutes into the video)

What you need

  • Colouring pencils, crayons or felt tips
  • White and coloured paper
  • Recycled cardboard or thick card packaging
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick

What you will be doing

' I love drawing people that I know, people that I care about and making it last forever on paper.' Joey Yu

In this activity you will get the chance to follow along with a real illustrator and artist, Joey Yu. She will show you how to draw a person, whether that's someone you know and love in your family or a friend from school. She will talk about artists you might want to take as inspiration including Lubaina Himid, Sheela Gowda, Peter Blake and David Hockney. Then you will make your figure into an installation by making a cut-out and sticking it on cardboard.

Artists included in the video

A note for teachers

Watching this video your students will generate ideas independently. They will make a creative response drawing on their own experience. They will learn about the concepts of portraiture and installation. Taking inspiration from famous artists they will develop a range of ideas.

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