Eggs can be used as a symbol of spring and new life. There are lots of different ways to decorate eggs.
We're going to dye some eggs using rice and food dye. Then, we will show you how to collage an egg!
Sir Cedric Morris painted this painting in 1944, near the end of World War Two. It was a time when there was not a lot of food to eat and eggs were seen as precious.
We are going to celebrate spring and make some eggs in all different colours just like in Morris's painting. Sir Cedric Morris was famous for painting still-lives of flowers and birds. He loved tending to his garden which he grew from seed.
Ready to make some speckled eggs?

You will need:
- Re-sealable plastic bags
- Food dye
- Rice (you can eat it when you're done!)
- Eggs (ask an adult to hard boil them for you)
Let's get started

1. Soak an egg in vinegar and rub it clean

2. Pour some rice into a sealable bag

3. Choose a colour and Add 5 drops of food dye to the rice

4. Mix the dye in by scrunching the bag and shaking the rice

5. Shake the bag!

6. Shake until it changes colour, then remove
Try a different colour!


or green!
You can eat the rice and the eggs when you're done!

Or try collage

What you'll need:
- PVA glue
- Small pieces of coloured paper
- Eggs (Ask an adult to help you blow out the insides using a hole in each end, so the eggs are hollow. This will make them last longer!)
- A brush